Friday, February 25, 2011

When You Miss Greens

I never actually thought this day would come. In all of my years running away from squash, asparagus, and other vegetables, never did I imagine that I would be craving them.
Ok, yes, there are vegetables here, so I am not in imminent danger of scurvy. There are vegetables with dinner and lunch, and there is always a salad bar. So from afar everything looks swell. But taking a closer look, you will discover that everything seems a little to perky. First off, the green beans, broccoli, and carrots are NEVER fully cooked. Now I do like my vegetables crisp, there is a definite line between crisp and raw. I could understand having reservations about over cooking the vegetables (nobody likes them mushy, yuck!), but it would be nice to eat something that is easy to chew. I do like raw vegetables, but that is either with ranch dressing or on my salad. I want something that I can eat and feel good about eating. Starch apparently does become unappealing after awhile.
I think God, must be playing a joke on us college students, laughing at us for never appreciating vegetables when we were younger. This definitely feels like an "I told you so" moment.
Today there was some relief from my yearning. Due to the blizzard outside (which is actually warmer than when it is not snowing... weird), I decided to treat myself to grilled cheese and tomato soup. As I stood in line, something green jumped out at me from the corner of my eye. Green Beans. Beautiful, long string beans, so green and lush they exude a nostalgic feeling of the good ole' days. Ridding my head of this day dream, I turn back to watch the man prepare my food. I have fallen for that brilliant facade too many times, each of which left me feeling like I was the butt of a bad joke. As I ladled my soup, my gaze once again drifted onto those taunting beans. Studying them I realized that they were a lighter color than usual. At this my heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Were these beans cooked?! Though I was jumping up in down on the inside, I kept my composure as I deliberated my next move. Should I risk it? Was this only the light playing tricks on me and I would once again be subject to disappointment. As a rational collegiate, one would expect me to turn on my heel and not look back.
I caved. My stomach was the victor once again. Sitting down to eat was a stand-off between me and the green beans. I threatened them that I would do horrible things to them if they failed me now. I raised one to my lips, closed my eyes, and took a bite. A since of relief washed over me as I chewed on a deliciously cooked green bean. Finally, my desire for vegetables had been sated.
Now I have a few more months before I will need them again.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

When 20 degrees is Considered Warm

hello everyone!
So sorry it has taken me so long to put up a post!
First of all, these three weeks have flown by so quickly, everything is still spinning. Though crew workouts do a good job of bringing everything to a halt.
I am really enjoying my courses, which include:
Chemistry 102 (continuation from last semester) 9:20-10:10am
Harmony 2 (another continuation) 10:20-11:10 am
Argentina 11:20am-12:10pm
Music History 2 (baroque period) 12:20-1:20pm
I get a great workout in between each class running up and down the hill to get to each class, because I was smart enough to schedule classes one after another that are on the opposite ends of campus. And when I say opposite sides this means vertically opposite. But it's ok, because I am really enjoying my classes and having all four of them at one time helps me stay on top of my work.
Anywho, I have got to get back to work!
Lots of Love!!!!

p.s. I am not buried beneath the snow, the sun is actually out today. It is weird weather here...

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Wonderful Summertime Interlude

Happy New Year Everyone!
No, I am not back at school, so you may be wondering why I am writing. As you may know, I am in the beautiful country of Bolivia! And since I am here with a friend of mine from Colgate, it seemed fitting that I include my adventures from this trip in my blog. If you did not know, it happens to be summer down here. Its crazy how much I have missed the heat and sunshine. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to soak up the suns rays before I return to the dreariness of Northern winters. Well anywho, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up that I will be posting updates of my trip soon, but in the meantime there is a big, juicy piece of watermelon calling my name. Yes, you should be jealous, haha.
Love You all!

also I plan to keep an eye out for Butch and the Kid

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rolling out of Bed onto the Stage

Hello Friends and Family!
I wanted to get y'all an update before I get swept up into exams.

I my exams start next week, so right now all of us are frantically stuffing everything we forgot back into our brains. Luckily, I don't have any papers due this week, though I do have a chemistry test friday and a harmony portfolio due tomorrow, eek! Though I only have 3 exams next week, since my freshman seminar was the basics of acting, which is nice because I have extra time to study for everything else!
Here is my exam schedule (if anybody feels like sending prayers my way, I'll need them!)
monday: legacies of the ancient world
tuesday: take-home harmony exam due by 5
wednesday: study day!
thursday: chemistry... ugh
Now just because I posted my schedule does not mean that I need reminders to study... *cough* dad, mom *cough*... :)

Oh some exciting news, yesterday I had my luncheon musicale! This is put on by the music department to display students talents in a little lunch time concert. I think the biggest incentive for people to go is the free lunch, haha. But thats fine, I enjoyed it and it was good practice. I will go into detail later and post the performance when I have time! sorry!

Now I have determined, though this just may be my southern upbringing kicking in, but I always though snow was supposed to fall down; not sideways or upwards. Should I be worried? Well for those who haven't checked the weather and laughed at my demise, it has been snowing here for 72 hours straight and is not supposed to stop until possibly saturday. Though it will probably be pushed back, since it wasn't going to snow tomorrow, but now it is. I got a call from my voice teacher this morning, who lives in syracuse, telling me that she couldn't get out of the city because of the snow. Syracuse has already had 15 inches of snow with 9-10 more on the way today. This is all caused by the lovely lake effect, though what that is I couldn't give you a good definition.
Now I love the snow!! But it stinks when I am stuck inside studying when I want to be outside playing! Everyone else is used to the snow, so they can ignore it. But this snow, which is sooooooo light an fluffy, the powder is actually a foot deep and you can't make snowballs its so loose, is way too tempting! But that's what study breaks are for!
Anyway, I hope everything is going well down south and I will see y'all in a couple of weeks!

Lots of Love!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Video Blog

I'm trying something new today! Since I have to get cracking on my school work with exams coming up and all, I decided to make a video post so that I don't have to worry about writing everything down. I hope this works and I hope you enjoy! And please don't judge, I am not the best speaker in the world, so bear with me.
Here it goes!

not too bad, huh? Maybe I should go into the movie business... haha.

Love y'all!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yay Kayaking photos!

Many of you may not know this but I have had the opportunity to kayaking while I am up here. It was so nice! Besides the cold, I think I could start to like northeast paddling. Well, never as much as the southeast!
Here are some photos of me from that trip:

Lots of love!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Frat Shirts and Boxers

For those of you worried about the title of this post, you can put the rifles back in the gun closet or under the bed, there is no yankee that "needs to be taken care".
I am simply referring to the items of clothing I am wearing curled up on my bed while writing this post.

Have you ever had any clothes that made you feel safe?
Well mine include my dad's phi delta theta shirt and a pair green, bulldog boxers.

To give you the back story, today has been a very stressful day.
I was supposed to register for classes next semester, and what did I not do tonight? Register for classes. You may ask, "well Palmer why didn't you?" or "why don't you register now?" Well ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a wonderful example of miscommunication. Let's just say Colgate forgot to inform me about a fee I had not yet paid, oh and it turns out, if you have outstanding payments, you are not allowed to register. Yippee!

Now this is no one's fault but my own, so please do not think I am pointing fingers.

The whole process of registering is already stressful, but the addition of not knowing why the computer says I cannot register and having to figure out why takes a toll on a person. Luckily it seems most of my classes are still open. Only one has closed, but I have already emailed the professor explaining my dilemma and asking to meet with her. Hopefully I will be able to use my southern charm to persuade her to make an exception for me.

But if not it isn't the end of the world.
You can see why I needed to crawl into my worn out, comfy clothes and let the love worn in them infuse into me. If I could, I would throw on my Jackson Hole long sleeve shirt, but it isn't cold enough for that.

I promise, you can put away the shovel, nothing needs to be hidden amongst 1,000 acres of land.
When I do, I will already have my shotgun in hand when I call.

Lots of Love